Saturday, July 14, 2007


Rented "Music and Lyrics", which was pure fluff, as you would expect.

Went to see "Knocked up", which was pretty funny.

Watched "Groundhog Day" for the umpteenth time on TV.

Rented "Cars", which is now my least favorite Pixar movie.

Just watched "Die Hard 2", which I can't believe I liked when I saw it in the theater. No wonder my big mean brother made fun of me at the time. Sorry, bro, you was right.


At 5:27 PM, Blogger kometes said...

Haha. I think it has to do with expectations. If they are really low, then even a bad movie is enjoyable. You probably had low expectations when you first saw it. Now, years later, you remember it as being good and those higher expectations caused your less than pleasant experience this time.


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