Monday, June 19, 2006


While only just recovering from hip surgery, I asked to play only 15 minutes of this Sunday's game. As it turned out, I played all of the first half, plus 15 minutes of the second. Hip seems fine. My fitness is shot to hell though. Disappointing result as we lost 5-1.

I went up for a couple of corner kicks, and would've scored on one but for a saving defensive header. One of their goals was probably my fault as I left my man to try to clear a ball chipped into the middle, which I failed to clear (and the man I was covering eventually scored).

Injuries: butt scrape from slide tackle (not far from the surgery scar).


While only just recovering from hip surgery, I asked to play only 15 minutes of this Sunday's game. As it turned out, I played all of the first half, plus 15 minutes of the second. Hip seems fine. My fitness is shot to hell though. Disappointing result as we lost 5-1.

I went up for a couple of corner kicks, and would've scored on one but for a saving defensive header. One of their goals was probably my fault as I left my man to try to clear a ball chipped into the middle, which I failed to clear (and the man I was covering eventually scored).

Injuries: butt scrape from slide tackle (not far from the surgery scar).

Monday, June 12, 2006


Rented "You and Me and Everyone We Know" (meh) and "Good Night and Good Luck" (okay).

Saturday, June 10, 2006


On the flight to the US I watched The Matador (very good) and The World's Fastest Indian (very good). I tried to watched Syriana but wasn't concentrating enough to follow the story.

On the flight back I watched King Kong (very good) and rewatched Finding Nemo.