Sunday, March 29, 2009


First game of season - a practice match versus our seconds team (who are undefeated over the course of two years). They've been training for a month - we've not played together since last year, and haven't trained at all, to a man, I think.

Man, I stunk it up, the first half, in every way. Unsurprisingly, I got taken off after twenty minutes. I got put back in with a half hour to play in the second half, and played a bit better. Anyway, we tied them, 2-2, and played not too bad in general, so prospects look good for the year.

Injuries: Just a scrape on my knee, from the artificial turf.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Rented "The Ladykillers", which was watchable enough, though a far cry from the Coen brothers' best.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Somehow I missed mentioning that I saw "The Wrestler" and "Milk", both of which were outstanding!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Rented "True Romance", which was good.

Friday, March 06, 2009


On the plane to and from Tokyo I saw:

Body of Lies, which was average;

Muriel's Wedding, which was meh;

Pride and Glory, which was fairly standard;

Quantum of Solace, which was better than I expected;

and all but the first twenty minutes of Ghost Town, which I am astounded Ricky Gervais ever signed on to. He and Kinnear are good in it, sure; but they are good in everything. Why this pedestrian script-mill pablum?